Frequently Asked Questions

  • q-iconWhat is your return policy?

    If within the first 30 days you are not entirely happy with any purchase, simply contact our support desk for a full refund. No questions asked. This sale is something special, and I’m drop dead sure nobody will be needing a refund for this (they would be stupid to do so).

  • q-iconDo you charge yearly support fees?

    No we don’t! Our products are fully supported and we have never charged a dime for support since releasing our first plugin in 2011. If you require assistance our support agents are waiting to help you.

  • q-iconDo you update your plugins?

    YES. We continue to add new features to all of our flagship products ( has received over 50 updates since it’s release in 2012). Customers receive free updates to all of our plugins.

  • q-iconHow do I access these products?

    Most of these products are sold on separate websites. However, we have a master login portal where you can access all the products through one login (makes it super simple for you).